Underwriting Philosophy and Manifesto

Our underwriting philosophy is simple:

  • We write purely for technical results
  • We underwrite small lines.
  • We underwrite spread.
  • We are primarily an XOL writer.
  • When we are the specialists, we dictate the terms.
  • Our sole distribution is London brokers, members of our network, or specialists.
  • We expect our producers to operate according to global insurance business standards.
  • We expect our brokers to carry adequate professional liability insurance.
  • We aren't selling anything. We provide risk capital against a risk return when the potential return is commensurate to the risk.
  • We will say No far more than when we say Yes. However, when we do say yes, we will stand by our underwritten commitment word for word.
  • We don't take the trust of our (re)insurers lightly.
  • We don't pay Ex Gratia claims
  • We don't deviate from policy wordings
  • We are not a bank, and expect to be paid our premium within the agreed payment terms.
  • We are not a charity.
  • We believe in customer service, but we are not necessarily customer friendly or out to build a brand.
  • Our producer brokers come first. We depend on them and they depend on us.
  • We don't do business direct.
  • We will write at the price and terms that fit our underwriting appetite at the very bottom of the slip.